Mini Lap Charkha and my inability to leave well-enough alone: part 2

Part 1:

More additions, grommets and washers.

I think I finally have it adjusted. Spinning comfortably.

Mini Lap Charkha and my inability to leave well-enough alone

I grew up around people who made stuff and sometimes re-made with changes and improvements. As I’ve nattered on about it this year I purchased a mini lap charkha ( and love it. I work cramped and it’s portable. Day job staff meetings via zoom are so improved.

First off I’m a clutz. I’ve never seen a charkha of any make that I couldn’t stab myself on. Do they have to be so sharp? That I don’t know but they all are and I’ve found rubber plugs found at most hardware stores or amazon work great to protect me from myself.

On lab at desk.

As-is the mini charkha works fine with rubber bands. But I’ve found that hair ties work well also, especially when they are looser from use on hair.

I love poking around hardware stores and found rubber grommets that have a “track” in the middle which is great for keeping the drive band steady. I ended up putting all four of the grommets so the band is really steady. (Sorry for the blurry photo.)

mini charkha with hair tie and 4 rubber grommets.