More blocking, wires and blocks

I’m a project finisher. Spend a good part of the summer and into fall starting, frogging and finishing these two shawls.  Two really good, well designed patterns: Smith Island Pattern Factory/Maude and Evelyn Clark/Shetland Triangle (from Wrap Style). Always good work from these two designers.

In general things work more smoothly with the proper tools – in this case the blocking blocks and wires from KnitPicks. I don’t quite have a large enough space to block in the house but the yard works well on a sunny day.

Blocking with wires, blocks and assistant (T.R. below).

Smith Island Pattern Factory: Maude

Maude blocked

blocking outdoors and keeping cats occupied

(More interesting than the shawl was the choice of boxes to sit in.)
detail outdoor blocking and dried-up grassblocking outdoors and entertaining cats

Evelyn Clark’s Shetland Triangle

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